Gleaning Life for God’s Purpose

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

G.R.A.C.E. ~ Gently Radiating A Christ-like Example

An Interview with Ginny


What character traits and life values drew your husband and you together, and how do they affect your life's purpose since you have come to Christ?

He invited me to a picnic, not a bar, not a movie, but to meet his friends and family. His involvement with his family socially impressed me, and I shared their love of being together with their kids. He was open, honest, and trustworthy. He was attracted to me because I was different, looking at life through a half-full glass. God has blended together our totally different backgrounds most vividly since He brought me to salvation in Him. We compliment each other.


What discoveries about your backgrounds were similar or different?

My parents placed a high value on education. Mom was a Proverbs 31 woman, believing education was necessary for all her children (all six went to college). His parents were hard workers and held good jobs. Each of us are level headed, mature, and appreciate the value of persevering in obtaining their goals.

How do they meld together or conflict with everyday decisions you make?

My new faith in Christ affected the choice we made for my daughter’s college. We jointly decided to place her in a Christian college where we felt she would be safe. We agreed that she would seek scholarship funding (which she received), and our savings, by God’s grace, enabled her to attend.

What impact has your faith had in your relationship with your husband?

I spent 24 years of our marriage controlling and manipulating to get my way, believing my way was the best way. We were not a team and he let me make a lot of the decisions. I came home from a particularly inspiring weekend telling my husband I was a changed woman and he would be benefiting from the change. He was stunned! The Holy Spirit enlightened me to step back and allow my husband to lead in the affairs of our household, family, and marriage.

The Holy Spirit enlightened me to step back and allow my husband to lead in the affairs of our household, family, and marriage.

How did he respond?

Our relationship is calmer, peaceful. I am no longer manipulative and demanding. He is more relaxed, pleasant, and accepting. He is interested in where I go, and isn’t threatened that I am losing interest in him. He is very protective and attentive. He is responding to the Holy Spirit working in me to Gently Radiate a Christ-like Example.


How does his leadership reflect a biblical purpose?

I feel like my ministry is to my husband, and he is my head, my leader, and the leadership of our family is his responsibility. He has accepted me and noticed the changes God has made in me. He sees the differences God has made, and his spirit is calmer. He sees my respect for him. I believe this is the result of my obeying God when he told me to Put Me (God) First.


What is the greatest driving force in your life?

God. I have a filter I didn’t have before. I don’t jump into things and feel like I need to be involved in everything in the community or the church. My desire is to please Him, and that is where I derive my satisfaction.


As you apply a biblical worldview to your marriage, how does it affect your plans to find your life purpose?

I don’t believe I am here just for me, I am here for God to use me in a way that pleases Him. He keeps me focused on being His disciple, caring for the needs of others through my actions, talk, and behavior. It has affected my husband by his willingness to change the radio station in the car since it is not my taste. His taste in beverages has changed as mine have changed. He respects my going to church, careful to find out which service I go to so he can make plans to be available to be with me.

What advice would you give other married women who are spiritually single?

Concentrate on who YOU are in Christ. Get yourself right, and don’t try to change your husband.

G.R.A.C.E. Gem:

What one thing would you consider a priceless treasure?

Having my husband know Christ as His Savior