Please email all program advertisements, slides, and logos to
markinc@markinc.org by May 9, 2022.
Love Sponsor
Your half page ad for the program should be 432px wide by 360px high (4.5 inches wide by 3.75 inches high) and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your slide for the pre-event slide show 1920px wide by 1080px high and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your logo should be sent as a png or jpg file for the eNews and website.
Faith Sponsor
Your quarter page ad for the program should be 432px wide by 168px high (4.5 inches wide by 1.75 inches high) and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your slide for the pre-event slide show should be 1920px wide by 1080px high and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your logo should be sent as a png or jpg file for the eNews and website.
Help Sponsor
Your quarter page ad for the program should be 216xpx wide by 168px high (2.25 inches wide by 1.74 inches high).
Your slide for the pre-event slide show should be 1920px wide by 1080px high and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your logo should be sent as a png or jpg file for the eNews and website.
Hope Sponsor
Your eighth of a page ad for the program should be 216xpx wide by 168px high (2.25 inches wide by 1.74 inches high).
Your slide for the pre-event slide show should be 1920px wide by 1080px high and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your logo should be sent as a png or jpg file for the eNews and website.
Healing Sponsor
Your eighth of a page ad for the program should be 216xpx wide by 168px high (2.25 inches wide by 1.74 inches high).
Your slide for the pre-event slide show should be 1920px wide by 1080px high and sent in as a png or jpg image file.
Your logo should be sent as a png or jpg file for the eNews and website.