The Treasure of Prayer

Journey to Easter with the Women of the Resurrection

By Sharon Betters


Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


God plants resurrection power in our hearts and often shows us its impact through prayer. Not only does prayer take us into His presence. Prayer guides us in how to offer to others the treasures of knowing Jesus. 

Women committed to the ministry of biblical encouragement learn that they have little to offer if they try to minister without a foundation of prayer. Through prayer, we miraculously enter the struggles of others. God moves through our prayers to strengthen the body and to direct our encouragement. Instead of covering ourselves in a cocoon of self-protection, we connect with one another with open hands and outstretched arms. He also reveals His love for us when He moves the body to pray at specific times for specific needs known only to Him. What could be more encouraging than to know that the God of the universe cares about the details of my life?

The ministry of prayer is a mystery. Scripture commands it, the experiences of Christians throughout the ages confirm its force, and even unbelievers espouse its power. Pharaoh repeatedly asked Moses to pray for an end to the plagues. I wonder if one activity in heaven is comparing all our earthly prayer urges with the needs of the people prayed for. If so, I believe we will experience outstanding joy when we learn how God used our prayers to meet specific needs in others – needs only He knew… We give treasures of the soul when we enter the life of another through Spirit-led prayer.

The need to pray for a young couple overwhelmed me on the first anniversary of their stillborn child. They were now expecting twins and my intense urge to pray made me wonder if something was wrong. I whispered “Lord, whatever their needs are, if they are grieving or if there is something wrong with their babies, please make them aware of Your presence,” Arriving home, I called, ready to go to their home if necessary. Instead, I experienced joy when I heard this story.

Because of the history of special needs in their family, the expectant mother had to undergo a test to check the twin's health. If the heartbeats were strong, they were most likely fine. The test had been delayed once and if it was not performed that day, they would have to wait another month. Unfortunately, the doctor could not perform the test because of the babies’ positions in the womb. After the doctor left the hospital room the young husband said, “Honey, I think we should pray that the babies will move so the test can be done.” When the doctor returned, he exclaimed, “The babies are in the right position! They moved!” He completed the test and informed the parents that their babies’ heartbeats were strong. I realized that at the moment God urged this couple to pray for their babies, He also burdened me to pray. On the anniversary of a day of grief, God’s encouragement gave them a reason for joy.

Although physically separated, God connected us through prayer. Allowing me to participate in such a special moment was God’s encouragement treasure to me.

Two months later, two healthy baby boys entered the world. (Treasures of Encouragement, Sharon W. Betters, page 146-147 Used with permission from P&R Publishing)


Do you, like Paul, long to know the power of His resurrection? Pray. Through prayer, the Lord will not only meet you, but will connect you with others in a way that brings you great joy. Your joy will encourage you to continue to pray, to talk to the Lord and listen carefully for His answers. You can experience resurrection power through the ministry of prayer.


Oh Lord, You love us so much. You not only give us treasures but You open the door to offer those treasures to others in a way that they know only You could orchestrate. At these times, we fall more in love with You. May it be so.

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Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.

Contact Sharon with comments or questions at