Surrender - “I Must Stay at your House Today”

Pamela Bunn, Guest Writer



Jesus entered the city and made His way through, measured and purposeful. Zaccheus was almost frenetic, his desire to see Jesus hindered because of the crowds, so he ran and hoisted himself up in a tree to catch a glimpse. At the perfect moment, steady met frenzied, love met longing, intent met intensity. Jesus was under love's compulsion to save this spiritually hungry tax collector and would have His way in effecting eternal transformation. 

When God has a work to do at a specific time, in a specific way, He can be counted on to do it. He may bring particular wisdom, the scripture's consolation, or palpable comfort. He might open doors to our mess of sin-proclivities and wayward affections for deep conviction and cleansing. His end is always that we know Him better, love Him more, and be sanctified. All He intends to do by way of coming into our house He must do, and will.

It's important that we recognize we are Zaccheus: small before holy Jesus, and desperately in need of Him. Only then will we take time and effort to seek Him, to climb above and out of whatever distracts or holds us back to joyfully receive Him into the home of our heart and soul. Only in responding to His love look will we know the blessedness and fullness of salvation.


Do we awaken each day with a sense of urgency for Jesus to come and enter our world? Will we do what it takes to make our way to see Him clearly, without obstruction? Would we invite Him to inspect every corner of our minds, all the space of our heart, each room of schedule and dreams? Would we fling open every closet door, every nook and cranny of confusion and consternation, greed and selfishness, of resentment, fear, and salacious indulgence, and yield to His poking and purifying presence? Would we welcome Him not only to come but to abide until He's finished His work?

What impact is the Spirit's power making in my daily life and interactions? How is His presence inspiring my attitudes and efforts in industry? How is He refining my impulses, language, and cravings? What changes is He making in my discernment, my generosity in ministry, and my availability to serve? In what particular areas will we invite Him to stay and make a difference today?

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Lord, may I ever welcome Your compulsion to abide with me. By Your Spirit effect every change You intend, for Your glory.

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Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.


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