How Has Marriage Changed?

Hi Dr. Betters, could you shine some light on the evolution of the institution of marriage? Polygamy was accepted in the old testament. I imagine that incest was too in the times of Adam and Eve since their family was the only one that existed, and had been commanded to be fruitful and multiply. None of this is acceptable to God anymore.

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Submitting Myself To An Abusive Man?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters! I am a 24-year-old female and I have a question about marriage. I know that wives are supposed to submit themselves to their husbands. However, every female family member of mine (my mother, grandmother, aunts, etc.) submitted themselves to their husbands and ended up being abused and controlled by them. The idea of submitting myself underneath a future husband makes me feel so uncomfortable that I would rather live a life of singleness. However, I want to have children in the future. What should I do?"

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Leaving A Church

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hello Dr. Betters. I'm a Christian who attends an Evangelical church that has never preached on the 2nd Coming in the 50 years I've attended though they teach and preach the Gospel. They are not preaching the whole Word of God. I have friends there. Would it be wrong for me to split my time between this church and a more dynamic church that is not afraid to preach from I and II Thessalonians?"

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Is God Calling Me To Preach?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you so much Dr. Betters for answering my question. I'm sure you are a busy man and I feel like you are directly talking to me like my grandfathers did before Christ brought them home. It has really brought some memories back to me. I have so many more questions to send to you in the future about scripture and personal experiences. If I may ask one more question, How do you know if God is calling you to preach? How do you know if you are getting called to ministry? If I may ask how did you know?"

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Is it a Sin to have a Tattoo?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters, how are you??? I was wondering about a question that I have had about tattoos! My uncle & I were talking the other day & he & his immediate family had the idea of having a loved one's name ( who passed away in March of 2022 ), tattooed on their bodies & had asked me if I was willing to do the same as them. I do not have any tattoos of any kind on my body & I dunno if I ever want one or any! Then I was reminded of a scripture verse. . . .Leviticus 19:28! Please help me to better understand this verse or any others like it, before I go & possibly do something foolish! Thank you for your time!"

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"God Is Allowing Demons To Ruin My Life"

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Does God punishes people with demons? Because I’ve been very confused lately and suffering greatly with theology and the Bible and who God is and I also believe I have demons and am in need of deliverance. However, I have cried out to God to help me but he doesn’t. I believe God is using demons to punish me. It’s so bad that I can’t even pray or read the Bible in peace. I feel there is something really evil and strong in my spirit. But God is allowing them to torment me to punish me. I know I sin relentlessly day after day and it’s overwhelming but I just can’t feel peace or rest. I have tried coming to Christ and being saved but I don’t believe what I did was effective. Either I have yet to be saved, or God didn’t choose me for salvation. I wasn’t predestined. I’m suffering a great deal and especially feeling and seeing that God/Jesus doesn’t love me"

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Does God Hate The Devil?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters. Thank you for this video explanation about angels! Because God is forever loving on one hand, but on the other hand, He hates sin. Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for his greed, selfishness, & hatefulness against God. Lucifer is now known as the devil. I have always believed that God now hates the devil. What is your take on this??? Does God hate the devil???"

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