about thIS SERIES
What is my default mode when those troubles rush in, when I feel trapped by life, by circumstances, by weariness? When I want to quit? What is yours?
Our staff has selected these devotions as the foundational series to build on throughout the year. Each of us is on a pilgrimage. Jesus said that He came to give His people abundant life. But He also told His disciples that in this life we will have troubles (John 16:33). Some days joy and purpose fuel our journey, other days we struggle to “keep on keeping on”. Weariness, at the thought of taking one more step, tempts us to sit down and refuse to move. How can we continue to walk by faith when circumstances crush our plans, crush our dreams, shatter our personal worlds?
Throughout this devotional series, we’ll take a look at how some people in Scripture faced hard places. Their responses to life crashing down on them become classrooms where we learn what structures in their lives created protective fences when they might have been tempted to run away. We will consider how our response to the invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good, (Psalm 38:4), creates a default mode that will either fuel our life pilgrimages with hope or leave us hopeless and helpless.
Invite your friends to join our growing online community as we learn more about A Pilgrimage Fueled by Hope.
Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.
Shortly after the death of our son, our five-year-old niece asked her mother why she should pray, because everyone she prayed for died. Wondering the…
Susan’s frantic phone call to my husband Chuck terrified us. She didn’t know what to do for her husband, John, who gasped for air in the…
How does the love of Jesus drive your mission statement? The board and team that run MARKINC Ministries, a non-profit that we started after…
When our sons asked me what songs I wanted sung at Mark’s memorial service, I didn’t hesitate to ask for O, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus. Though we wanted to…
Paul and Silas died to self when they sang at midnight. They didn’t just sing, they sang loudly! They sang so loud that the other prisoners heard them. I often smile thinking about how…
Throughout Scripture, we have stories of people faced with circumstances that crushed their plans and their dreams. Many were walking by faith, doing exactly what…
Someone has said: I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is…
Last week we took a glimpse into the life of the Proverbs 31 “virtuous woman” and recognized that Lemuel’s mother used military terms to describe the…
Where do you turn when life turns upside down? What if that crisis means you cannot work the job you love, build the family of your dreams, or…
Let’s finish this week with the same question with which we started: What is your default mode when life comes crashing down? What is your automatic response…
When life came crashing down and I wanted to run away from life and faith, those many years of intentionally seeking out the wisdom of those ahead of me in…
Mention Job and even those unfamiliar with the Bible, immediately know that you’re talking about someone who lost everything. One of…
When life comes crashing down, knowing I don’t belong “here” and that this earth is not my Home, fuels my journey with hope…
What structures are you intentionally building into your daily life that will act as weight bearing walls when life crashes down on your…
The family room looked like a scene out of a Hallmark movie. The fireplace glowed, Christmas lights twinkled, and five of our grandchildren quietly explored their…
In her book, Pursue the Intentional Life, Jean Flemingsss tells the story of a man whose lifelong disciplines and creativity saved his life when the…
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The first chapter of Mark in the Bible describes an incredible pouring out of emotional, physical and spiritual energy from the life of Jesus. He chose…