Every year, Elkanah took his family to worship and sacrifice at Shiloh out of obedience to God’s call to go to the tabernacle for annual worship…
Read MoreTwo wives, one husband. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children because the Lord closed Hannah’s womb. Hannah’s rival provoked her grievously year after year. These three statements could be the meat of a writing assignment for a wannabe fiction writer. But this story is real…
Read MoreEvery time I study Hannah’s life or read her story, my stomach clenches a little. For many years Hannah lived with not only a broken heart but also a sister-wife who delighted in poking a stick into the wounds…
Read MoreEarly in this series, I suggested when we are on an unfamiliar pathway, we need guides further along in life’s journey who share their experiences as a means of helping us avoid unnecessary potholes…
Read MoreWe meet Anna when she is at least eighty-four years old, some think she is 105! Little did she know when her husband died and left her as a young widow, her perseverance as a woman of God, who chose to live life as a servant in God’s house, would lead her to not only observe but be a crucial part of one of the most profound moments in Jewish history…
Read MoreFor over eight decades Anna persevered in her pursuit of intimacy with her God and sacrificial service that displayed her complete reliance on God’s love and character. On this particular day, as was her habit, Anna was in the Temple, praying, fasting, and serving…
Read MoreIn keeping with the Law of Moses, Mary and Joseph brought their little baby boy to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. Like Anna, Simeon was…
Read MoreGod created us to need one another. That is certainly clear way back in Genesis 2:18 when God declared that Adam should not be alone. God made a helper fit for Adam. This was not an “oops” moment in creation. God did not suddenly realize that He had made companions…
Read MoreAnna’s name means grace, favor and beautiful. In Luke’s brief description of this elderly widow, we recognize a woman who reflects all of the characteristics of her name. Her husband’s death takes her to a crossroads in her pilgrimage…
Read MoreThough Luke uses few words to describe Anna the Prophetess, each one gives us insights into her life and creates teaching moments that encourage us to ask the Lord to transform our hearts from life-taking to life-giving…
Read MoreA few years ago I read an article that smart business people were building storage rental units in preparation for all the stuff that baby boomers had collected. These business people watched as baby boomers downsized but were unwilling to let go of a lot of their stuff, because no one saw the value of once priceless antiques…
Read MoreGlenn, my sister’s husband, learned that cancer would soon take his life. Six weeks later Gayle called and cried those two simple words, “He’s gone.” All their well made plans to enjoy farming and woodworking after retirement…
Read More“He’s perfect!” my friend exclaimed and continued, “A couple years ago I made a list of all the character qualities I wanted in a husband and he has every one!” “So what’s the problem,” I asked. My friend had just graduated from college and her boyfriend was a couple of years…
Read MoreAfter our son Mark’s death, I struggled to find joy and purpose in living. I wasn’t finished mothering Mark. I never wanted an empty nest. Mark had two more years of high school and we looked forward to pouring our lives into him as our last dependent child. Darkness covered my heart and I could not see how…
Read MoreWhether you agree with theologians who believe Anna was 105 or 84, Anna is old when Luke introduces her. Nevertheless, his description of Anna defies her age. By that, I don’t mean we would tell Anna she looks good for her age. Rather, I imagine that any physical evidence of Anna’s age disappeared…
Read MoreLuke’s comments about Anna are packed with information, but brief and lacking on details of Anna’s personal life. Luke writes only the words that serve his purpose in telling the story of the birth of Jesus, so filling in some of the blanks requires personal speculation. First, let’s review what Luke does reveal…
Read MoreThink of a beloved older woman who seems to appear at just the right moment with needed wisdom, loving encouragement and kindness. Every interaction with her inspires you to extend your own love to others and you whisper, “I want…
Read MoreOur small group always ended with prayer but our leader felt we needed to go deeper so she suggested that each person pray a sentence prayer, praising God for one attribute. Later one woman described how her heart pounded when she heard these directions. She avoided praying in public, in fact she had never prayed a public prayer…
Read MoreTo experience the full impact of commitment to doing life in community with a small group of Christians requires an equal commitment to vulnerability and a willingness to seek and follow counsel. Our Today’s Treasure verse reminds us of the value of counsel, but such counsel is useless if pride stops us from submitting to the wisdom of others…
Read MoreIn our Today’s Treasure verse we see a practical application of the power of Christian community. In response to the teaching of the Word, early Christians committed to doing life together. They live out Jesus in their daily lives and they did this by depending on one another…
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