David wrote Psalm 133, a song sung by the Israelites when they were on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. David knew the agony of division and conflict in relationships. From his father-in-law, Saul, who tried to murder him, to his son…
Read MoreWhen God said it was not good for Adam to be alone, He wasn’t just talking about the beauty of marriage between a man and woman. In those few words, God states that along with our relationship to Him, He created us to need connections…
Read MoreAloneness created a need in Adam for another person. So God created Eve. Note that Adam’s loneliness was not an “oops moment” for God. Creating Eve was not an afterthought. God planned the creation of community from the beginning. Loneliness sounds negative, but loneliness showcases our need for one another.
Read MoreHow was your week? What does next week look like? Are people pressing in on you to meet their needs? Did your boss task you with a project that should have been completed yesterday? Do you have sick children or an unhappy husband...
Read MoreJesus models for us how to depend on God the way a child depends on his or her father. We see Him rising early to pray before choosing His disciples. After a full day of pouring out in ministry, He slips off by Himself to a desolate place and prays all night, energized by time with His Father to lead His disciples...
Read MoreA friend’s daughter told her she no longer believed in God. Her precious daughter wanted out of her marriage, saying her husband refused to love her the way she wanted to be loved. How could my friend survive such agony...
Read MoreAbout a year after our son Mark’s death I continued to wrestle with how to reconcile God’s love with His sovereignty. Though the words on the pages of the Bible often looked like black marks on a white page, I knew there was no other
Read MoreThe first chapter of Mark in the Bible describes an incredible pouring out of emotional, physical and spiritual energy from the life of Jesus. He chose His disciples, taught in the Synagogue, healed Simon Peter’s...
Read MoreShortly after the death of our son, our five-year-old niece asked her mother why she should pray, because everyone she prayed for died. Wondering the same thing, but wanting to give her little girl some kind of response...
Read MoreSusan’s frantic phone call to my husband Chuck terrified us. She didn’t know what to do for her husband, John, who gasped for air in the throes of a heart attack. Chuck quickly called her family members and then we rushed to Susan’s home...
Read MoreHow does the love of Jesus drive your mission statement? The board and team that run MARKINC Ministries, a non-profit that we started after the death of our son, Mark, struggled to carefully identify our mission. We agreed that we exist to offer help and hope to hurting people. We then described the ways we will fulfill that mission....
Read MoreWhen our sons asked me what songs I wanted sung at Mark’s memorial service, I didn’t hesitate to ask for O, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus. Though we wanted to rejoice in our faith, I wanted a way to express the anguish and desperate need for Jesus in the coming days. Remember the puddles of grace that...
Read MorePaul and Silas died to self when they sang at midnight. They didn’t just sing, they sang loudly! They sang so loud that the other prisoners heard them. I often smile thinking about how bad they might have sounded! No doubt they proclaimed the faithfulness of God by singing hymns from the Old Testament. Maybe Today’s...
Read MoreThroughout Scripture we have stories of people faced with circumstances that crushed their plans and their dreams. Many were walking by faith, doing exactly what God was directing them to do. Paul and Silas were imprisoned...
Read MoreSomeone has said: I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change. That’s the risk of a mission statement, isn’t it? Write it down, commit to it, knowing that to fulfill it will require change...
Read MoreLast week we took a glimpse into the life of the Proverbs 31 “virtuous woman” and recognized that Lemuel’s mother used military terms to describe the dream wife for her son. Instead of calling her “virtuous”, let’s call her a warrior woman because the word for virtuous, hayil, regularly describes military action...
Read MoreWhere do you turn when life turns upside down? What if that crisis means you cannot work the job you love, build the family of your dreams, or enjoy the last years of your life in good health? In the months following the death of our son, Mark, I struggled to understand my role. I was not finished mothering our son...
Read MoreWhen life came crashing down and I wanted to run away from life and faith, those many years of intentionally seeking out the wisdom of those ahead of me in life kicked in. One woman in particular imprinted a warrior woman image...
Read MoreLet’s finish this week with the same question with which we started: What is your default mode when life comes crashing down? What is your automatic response when confronted with a crisis too big to imagine, overwhelming grief, or sudden loss...
Read MoreMention Job and even those unfamiliar with the Bible, immediately know that you’re talking about someone who lost everything. One of Job’s friends, Bildad, the Shuhite, tried to comfort him by exhorting him to ask those who had come before him for wisdom..
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