Posts in Sin
“Can You Sell Your Soul To The Devil?”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters, I love your series so much. I'm so thankful you're doing these answer videos. I have a question if you can answer it sometime. I would really appreciate it. If someone makes a "deal with the devil" to sell their soul, but realizes their mistake, can they still repent? I would really appreciate an answer sir. Thank you so much"

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How Do I Respond to a “Coming Out”?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Donata asks "My granddaughter (age 13) believes she is gay and dresses that way. Her parents have condoned this. Her father, my son, was raised in a Christian home, and knows better, but allows this. There are other things going on in this family that is tearing my heart out with a heaviness for my granddaughter to not be left behind. Please help me in the way to approach her, that she is not left behind that Satan doesn't use it to pull her further away, but the Lord uses it to pull her closer to him, that she may become a witness for others in Jesus name."

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Does Baptism Wash Away Our Sins Response

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dr. Betters, I don't totally disagree with your answer to “Does Baptism wash away our sins?” but what about passages like Acts 2: 38. As well as others. or the Ethiopian eunuch who was baptized on the road by Stephen. I'm confused because it clearly says that they must be baptized. Thank you"

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Why Won’t God Take Away My Same-Sex Attraction?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “All my life I’ve been attracted to the same sex, going back to early childhood (elementary school age). I’ve heard we’re born straight, gay, or bi. I’ve heard as a Christian that it’s a sin. I believe it is. I have never acted upon with it another man, only in thought and through fleshly pleasures. I am saved and baptized. I believe in God, in Christ. I’ve accepted Him as my creator and Savior and Lord. But I’m torn between why I’m gay and why He has never taken it from me. I’ve prayed for it to be taken, I’ve tried giving up the thoughts and feelings of sexual desire towards men. It never goes away! I hate it! It has consumed my entire life in every way and has ruined my life since middle school. I need help! What am I doing wrong to get rid of it? Am I to live with it till death yet learn to not act or think on it? Please help Dr. Betters. I’m at the point of giving up on God or dying now to have the peace I hear of in heaven.”

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“Help! I’m struggling In Besetting Sin”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you so much Dr. Betters, and may our beloved God always bless all your paths. What if you struggle with besetting sin, like smoking a little (even though you managed to quit before), having some drinks… but it's not a "cherished sin", you do not like it, but there is a compulsion towards it, but the heart is contrite… and yes, still a struggle. also depression, anxieties still issues, Two years since truly got to know Christ, gave my life over, believed but sadly even though I grew up in church (Where my father was Catholic, my mother was Jewish) They never directed me on the true path, and those churches didn't either. I have a great fear for my parents who are no longer with me, they believed in God but did not read the Bible, so did not get to know God beyond this church systems which are quite false."

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Does Baptism Wash Away Our Sins?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "After our sins are washed away in baptism why do we all seem to be punished for sins we committed before coming to Christ? I traditionally tell people that what they are seeing isn't punishment it's actually part of suffering like what Paul went through after he done many of those same things to Christian's which was done to him. Jesus said come let me show you how much you must suffer. I tell them punishment for sin is hell nothing more nothing less. For sins after coming to faith in Christ we get chastening which hurts but again is not punishment or wrath. Am I correct or did I run in vain on that subject."

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