Posts in Redemption
"God Is Allowing Demons To Ruin My Life"

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Does God punishes people with demons? Because I’ve been very confused lately and suffering greatly with theology and the Bible and who God is and I also believe I have demons and am in need of deliverance. However, I have cried out to God to help me but he doesn’t. I believe God is using demons to punish me. It’s so bad that I can’t even pray or read the Bible in peace. I feel there is something really evil and strong in my spirit. But God is allowing them to torment me to punish me. I know I sin relentlessly day after day and it’s overwhelming but I just can’t feel peace or rest. I have tried coming to Christ and being saved but I don’t believe what I did was effective. Either I have yet to be saved, or God didn’t choose me for salvation. I wasn’t predestined. I’m suffering a great deal and especially feeling and seeing that God/Jesus doesn’t love me"

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Will We Be Judged For Our Sins Twice?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I believe once you sincerely repent of your sins, God forgives us and they are never brought up again (unless we bring them up). If everyone will be judged for all of our sins someday, does this mean we will be judged and have to answer for all the sins we have already asked to be forgiven of? If we have to answer to God for our "forgiven" sins, that is not having my sins be forgotten and never brought up again. Could you clear this up for me? Thanks and God bless."

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“Evil Ones That Claim To Be Saved?”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Wonderful as always, Dr. Betters. I have a question: What about people who actually believed in Christ . . . some of the Lutherans in Nazi Germany during WW2, for example. What about people who also believed in Christ who have committed despicable acts . . . even up to their deaths? Even the devil believes in God and Christ. Some peoples' hearts never change, but they still believe up until the end that they are a true child of God. Thanks for all you do and teach."

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“Being Saved Is A Process”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Mark asks, "Dr. Betters, first of all I want to thank you for your insightful videos. I am subscribed and watch them often. I have watched your video regarding the question if you can lose your salvation once you have committed your life to Jesus. I am saved and firmly believe that this is the only path to Heaven, as the Bible tells us. I have something that weighs heavily on my heart, though. My older sister and I were raised in a church going Christian family in the South. When she was about 13 years old, she was saved (maybe) and subsequently baptized. She became a nurse and lived in different areas of the country, including California. Since becoming an adult (we are both in our 60's now), she has developed her version of God that is not based on anything but her logic or philosophy, certainly not on the Bible. (To be fair, when I was in my 20's, I had similar thoughts and backslid from my childhood beliefs. I have since reconfirmed what I believed as a child and have learned so much more about Jesus Christ and his significance to all of us). She believes that God is real but does not understand who Jesus really is. When discussing this with her, she can get very irritated and says that the Bible is just another book and Jesus was a good man. Heaven and Hell are not real places to her and I think that she thinks our souls will probably go to our own versions of Heaven. She has a good heart but I cannot seem to be able to get through to her without it becoming adversarial in nature. She has a somewhat negative view of Churches and does not know the fellowship that my wife and and enjoy from our church. I pray for Jesus to soften her heart and come to him before it is too late. I am troubled that she will not, and end up in the Hell that she does not believe exists. My SS teacher has a similar take that you had in the video. Was the person genuinely submitting to Christ when they thought they were saved, but do not live a Christian based life or believe in the Bible? Do you have any suggestions?"

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“Forgiving Myself For An Abortion”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you Dr. Betters, I’ve had abortions and I asked for forgiveness and pleaded for mercy from the Most High and I know he forgave me. I’ve done this many times over 16+ years only because I feel defeated when other women who didn’t commit this horrible, despicable sin make me feel less than. What is the best advice for feeling this way?"

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My Daughter Will Regret When I Die

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Connie writes "Dr. Betters I have a real problem with my daughter. She and I used to be close. My husband, her father passed away in Feb 2020. I’m 72 & she’s 50. She acts like she could care less if I’m alive or not! If I don’t agree with everything she says she jumps down my throat! I think she’s been to visit me 3 times since her daddy passed. She does work & I understand that she’s tired when she gets home. It has gone as high as 2 weeks before she calls. We did go on vacation together this past May but she was mad 3 out of the 4 days we were gone. It started the 2nd night at a restaurant when I asked her to put her phone down to look at the menu. She started yelling at me to never tell her to put her phone away. I had to get up & walk away because she was so embarrassing. I have prayed each night that God would soften her heart. I write all this because when my mom passed away I had so much guilt thinking of things I should’ve done differently. My daughter is my only child and I’m really not sure if she’d miss me when I go!"

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Does God Forgive Me For Divorce?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, MJ asks "Can you please answer this question for me!? I am in my third marriage, my current husband and I have asked for forgiveness for adultery. We have been together for 20 years. Are we living in a state of perpetual sin and should we get divorced? Or does God forgive us? I was divorced for different reasons but not for acceptable reasons in the Bible. Does God forgive us? Should we stay married or get divorced? Thank you so very very much for answering this question in advance. God bless you!"

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“Can God Even Hear My Prayers?”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Sumitra asks "Praise the Lord Dr. Betters Please teach me how to pray because I am not receiving any answer for my prayers, I asked God for my son's life but God didn't answer my prayer and my son went to God and even in my beloved husband I asked God for my beloved husband life but God didn't answer and he also is with God now. I suffered a lot of problems in my life but never felt so depressed and low because I was taught God is with me and he will take care of me, but after facing all these things I am feeling like God is not listening to my prayers. Does God love me? Am I God's child? Are my prayers going near God?"

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“Will Different Doctrines All Be Saved?”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Daniel asks "Thank you, Dr. Betters. It is interesting to me how over the years I have come across several end-time teachings such as the rapture, the great tribulation, the antichrist etc. I had clung on to these teachings because they were also biblically backed. It appears to me that many spirit-filled Christians interpret the end times differently. Is it God's will that some people may be taught different doctrines yet still all get saved by virtue of their firm faith in Christ and the grace that the Lord grants us?"

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“God Broke My Trust & Faith”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Bobby asks "What if the whole problem isn't me what if the whole problem is something somebody did to me to destroy my life and I prayed that God would stop them and he didn't and that's my whole problem and now I can't trust God because he broke my trust and my faith." In response to (How can I trust God when everything is being taken away?)

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